Variable Height Wide Body Cargo Bay Platform

H1.8m-2.8m | L1.73m | W2.4m | L/H

Part No: 812.101.08
  • Profiled sliding side rails to provide close fit to aircraft
  • Lightweight and easy to manoeuvre
  • Platform edge & railing protective “soft” padding provided close safe fit
  • Slip resistant tread steps & platform
  • Excellent through life running cost
Compatible with...

Variable Height Wide Body Cargo Bay Platform is compatible with:

A320 / B757 / B767

Variable Height Wide Body Cargo Bay Platform

The Variable Height Cargo Bay platform is designed for easy access to narrow body cargo/freight bays for service and inspection on and around the door and door seal for wide body fleet in the hangar.

The platform features a high stability chassis with easy roll castors that support the variable height working platform and stairs with “kick down” jacks to provide additional stability.

The variable height system uses an easy hand crank, low maintenance rack and gear drive system for height adjustment between 1.8m and 2.8m.  When the desired working height is realised, safety locking pins are inserted into the legs to provide a secure resting position for the platform.

A robust lightweight aluminium constructed stair & working platform provides a safe working area.  Addtional safety is provided by the handrails and adjustable side hand rails to suit the aircraft’s profile. Finally the platform is fitted with full edge & railing “soft” protective padding. Read more about our work platforms here.



812.101.08 VH cargo bay 1.8 2.8m RH web1
"Another impressive “Bit of Kit” from Semmco"
Shaun Judson
Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd
Trusted by the biggest names in the business
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