Fixed Height Engineers A320 STAB Bay Access Maintenance Steps
H2.25m - L1.0m - W0.8m | 9 step - Fixed HOP UP H0.5m | 2 Steps
- A320 STAB bay safe specific access platform
- Robust modular aluminium design & construction
- Lightweight and easy to manoeuvre
- Slip resistant self-draining tread steps & platform
- High stability chassis with easy action stability jacks
Fixed Height Engineers A320 STAB Bay Access Maintenance Steps are compatible with:
Fixed Height Engineers A320 STAB Bay Access Maintenance Steps 2.25m
Designed for hangar or ramp conditions with a robust lightweight aluminium construction for ease of manoeuvring with slip resistant, self-draining tread for stairs and platform incorporating fixed side and front hand railings.
Secure two step Hop UP available for use with this product see 812.002.17 for easy safe access to A320 STAB bay.
High stability chassis incorporating heavy duty wheel front axle and twin rear wheel swivel castor provides close manoeuvrability in and around planes & helicopters.
Rear stability jacks and full platform edge & railing “soft” protective padding.
Optional tow bar is available.
Find out more about our access steps and access platforms.
"Another impressive “Bit of Kit” from Semmco"
Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd

HOP UP Step for A320 Stab Bay Access
Part No: 812.002.17
HOP UP Step H0.50 X L0.75 X W0.75m Designed for use with fixed height maintenance steps H2.25m 812.225.01 Providing easy step access to stab bay incorporating slip resistant aluminium platform