A320 Core Cowl Access Platform H1.1m

H0.44m - L2.1m - W1.0m | 2 step | HOP UP

Part No: 812.012.01
  • Safe & easy A320 core cowl access
  • Hop UP ergonomic design for ease of use
  • Lightweight and easy to manoeuvre
  • Slip resistant tread steps & platform
  • High stability chassis with easy roll castor wheels
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A320 Core Cowl Access Platform H1.1m

The A320 Core Cowl Access platform is a lightweight platform complete with hop-up steps.

Designed to access the engine core cowl to carry out maintenance within a hangar environment on the Airbus A320 aircraft, the platform is easily manoeuvrable by one person with slip resistant tread for stairs, platform Hop UP step.

Simple safe easy to use “Hop UP “step designed for use with A320 core cowl steps H0.4m X L0.73m X W0.50m. Incorporates location pins which locate & lock onto the core cowl platform for safe working. Manufactured from a lightweight aluminium, with robust construction non-slip tread on step and platform.

Strong chassis incorporating easy roll locking castor wheels provides close manoeuvrability in and around engine.






812.012.01 Core Cowl Access Platform H1 6
"Thank you for pulling out all the stops - Kit all looks really good "
Kevin Creed
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